Any attack by Zer0 with his sword or a gun will break Decepti0n, or after the timer reaches zero (typically 5 seconds, depending on the skill tree). If Zer0 ...
2021年9月14日 — Zero is one of the more difficult characters to get good at, but you shouldn't face anything insurmountable as a new player until UVHM. Any ...
2022年1月29日 — Zero is also on the tall side but has very distinct human proportions unlike most guardians. The guardians we do encounter that have somewhat ...
A total of 37 Heads and 105 Skins can be unlocked for Zer0. The non-default heads and skins can be unlocked through random enemy drops, specific (though ...
Zer0 is the Assassin class of the game. He is able to cloak himself and deploy a decoy onto the battlefield. If you like stabbing enemies in the back or sniping ...